



Sunday 12 April 2015

RAF Scampton Duathlon

Another weekend and another race.

I have not been running for a little while now due to a groin injury, but this hasn't stopped me swimming or cycling. So all my training for the duathlon hasn't really gone to plan as unable to do any run and bike brick sessions. Instead I have been going out and doing long bike rides. During the week before the event I have done three training runs. 2 at 5km and one 2km after a 70 mile bike ride. That 70 mile bike ride and run was the day before the duathlon so probably not the best training. No chance of tampering off for an event. I do tend to recover quite quickly after cycling so I knew I would feel ok for the event.

Day of the Event.
I thought I would head down to the event early as the had the juniors racing beforehand and we had some members from the Sleaford Tri3 club racing and wanted to show some support and also look for some motivation. The weather was not the most ideal. It had been raining all morning and the wind was blowing. All the juniors had raced well and certainly didn't seem to be put off by the wind. Some of the bikes the juniors had were ridiculous I can't believe how good some of them looked.

Time for the Adult event.
Just before I went to get my bike racked up in transition, hail starts coming down. Not what I wanted. So far the day had rain, sunshine, hail and of course a bucket load of wind. Bike racked and I'm ready to get going.
So the course was 5km run (2.5km loop), 21km bike (3 laps round RAF Scampton airfield) then end with a 2.5km run.

Race under way and I soon find myself sitting in 5th position, the 4 people in front are off like bullets and no way was I holding on to them. The run started off in to head wind which was hard work from the off. Seemed like everyone was taking easy in the head wind and then on the back straight picking up the pace with the tail wind. As we head in to transition I had two guys over take me which, in some ways I was quite pleased about so I could follow them on the bike course.

I'm the one with the bright blue calf guards on.

Straight in to head wind and I have no one to tuck behind as the first 4 people fly off.

Getting over taken near to the transition. He must of tucked in behind me.

The bike course was three laps and if we had no wind at all would be a very fast course. When you get on to the long drag at the bottom of the course it was like you were hill climbing due to the power of the wind. I soon got in to the groove when on the bike and was actually starting to enjoy the course. I was able to conserve some energy when in the head wind and open up the tank when I had a tailwind and was able to fly round the course. I got a bit carried away on the final lap and I had totally forgot that I was to take my feet out of shoes for a quick transition. Had to just un-clip my shoes and run with them on. Luckily transition was on grass so no chance of slipping with my cycle shoes on. I also had someone right on my tail when coming in to transition but I knew that when I get running I might be able to hold them off.

On to the last run and as soon as I get going I feel a little bit of cramp in my calves, but after 100m my legs feel fine. Not sure if the head wind slamming in to my face took my mind of legs. There was no way I was going to catch the guy in front of me and I had no idea where the person that was with me in transition was. Managed a strong finish and was able to sprint at the end. Was happy to finish my first ever Duathlon and more importantly I finished the race with no issue with my groin injury, which was my main objective.

This race was another tick in the box for my Outlaw Journey and was my first proper brick session of the season. I will now be concentrating on a few more brick sessions and hopefully stay injury free. Another medal and bib number and tech t-shirt to add to the collection, which my wife will be pleased about. Was really pleased with my result, finishing 10th overall and 5th in my age category.

RAF Scampton Duathlon is organised by Lincoln Tri Club and this was the 3rd time they have put this event on. For anyone wanting to get stuck in to there first ever multi sport event or for the season veteran this does suit everyone. No cars to worry about and you can completely concentrate on the race.

Maps of the Course

Friday 3 April 2015

Cycling mojo

So I have been demotivated on the bike recently and haven't wanted to go out on the bike much. This has changed over the last couple of weeks.

I don't know why,  I haven't wanted to go out on the bike. Maybe it has been the weather with the wind and rain. Or the fact that it gets dark early and then you have the rush hour traffic, when everyone is trying to get home and it just isn't safe to be out in the bike in the dark with a lot of people trying to get home after a busy day at work.

Over the last month I have found my cycling mojo back. Usually this time of year I tend to go out and do my 20 mile bike loop trying to beat my time each time. This year I have been going further doing 40 to 50 miles. I suppose with my long distance triathlon ever getting closer I need to up the miles and get as much saddle time as I can. I managed  get 65 miles the other day which took 3 1/2hours. I usually have heavy legs the next day but this time when I woke up my legs felt fine. This must be proof that the long hours training throughout the winter is paying off.

I have been out training on my TT bike and so far managed to get to get up to 40 miles without any real problems with being in a areo position for long periods of time. I have my first 10 TT race tomorrow which I'm looking forward to but also at the same time no idea what to expect. I have been hearing different rules that you have to follow such as must have a rear light on when racing and not sleeveless jerseys. I'm. Hoping that after the TT I can go out and get a few more miles done.