



Friday 27 February 2015

Starting Point January 2014

Its January 2014 and this is where it all began. I was again at the start of the year and wanted to set out some goals for the year ahead and decided once again weight loss and fitness would be my focus. I say this nearly every year. Two friends of mine had started calling me fat and as much as they meant it was also true. This was the heaviest I had ever been and I could tell. So it was time to do something about it.

Challenge was set, I told them that within a year I would be faster than them. Something was different, I really wanted to get fit and I really wanted to do something where I could push myself and not do something where I would lose interest within a month.

At the start of January 2014 I weighed 96kg.

So how was I to start losing weight? My plan of attack was to start doing triathlons. I am keen cyclist any way and when I was at school I was able to swim quite well, so the only thing I need to work on was my running.

I didn't want to throw myself in to all three disciplines straight away as I knew this would de-motivate me, so the plan was to start running. On the 4th Jan 2014 I completed my first run of 3.7km in just under 18 mins.

The seed was planted and as the months went by so did my times

January, 5 hours training 56km covered and longest run was 10km

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