



Monday 31 August 2015

The Outlaw Triathlon

The Outlaw Triathlon. I have always wanted to do a iron distance triathlon ever since I watched one years and years ago on TV. I never thought I would do one or be fit enough to do one as I was never really in to swimming, biking or running back then. I was more in to football but I did enjoy watching different types of sports and it was one event that was on my bucket list.

I took up cycling to see if I could ever tick another challenge on my bucket list, which was to cycle London to Paris, but I took it one step further and cycled from my home town in Sleaford, which was approx 150 miles north of London. Then on my return to London from Paris chose to cycle all the way back again. After that event I fell out of love with cycling and didn't really get back on my bike for 4 to 5 months. During that time I was able to put on quite a bit of weight and was at my heaviest I had ever been.

Wanting to change the way I looked after Christmas 2014 I took up running and was running approx 3km at a time. After a good 2 months training I did my first half marathon and there was no turning back. I entered a few road running races and obstacle courses (Including TOUGH MUDDER) and also got back out on my bike and took up swimming. In 2014 I managed to part in a few sprint triathlons and I was hooked.

Without going through my life story. I had signed up for the Outlaw triathlon and I had 9 months to get myself ready for this. The real training started In January where the 30 week count down started. It didn't take long for race day to come round and I couldn't wait t to get going.

The last 9 months included lots of different training from speed work, strength work, long endurance sessions. I was told that it would be more beneficial to not over do the endurance sessions as it would be junk miles, but to concentrate on speed work and technique.

Day before the race, I arrive at the campsite which is right near to the start of the race and it was long till the tent was up and all kit was sorted out. All I had to do was collect my race pack and go to the race brief. At this point I felt really relaxed and was looking forward to the following day and getting in to the race. After the race brief it was back to the tent for a coffee and a bite to eat and then time to get all the transition bags in order and to put my race stickers on to my bike. All kit sorted and strangely I'm still feeling quite relaxed about it all. It was then time to get all my transition bags and my bike in to the transition area.

Back at the tent it was time to just relax and eat my evening meal which was chicken and pasta, I have this before every race and I have never had a problem.


Alarm goes off at 4am and straight away I hear other people up and about. Camping stove on and water boiling for coffee and porridge. Time does rush by and before you know it I am lakeside with my wetsuit on and raring to go. One last check of the bike to make sure that tyres are pumped up and bike is in the right gear.

And we're off one mass start with over a 1,000 people competing for the best line in the lake. All my open water triathlon's this year have been a nightmare, with me swimming in to people, people swimming in to me and not having any space and I expected the same in the Outlaw. I was shocked to find that from the start I had to swim round two people straight away and then I managed to find some clear water. I didn't think it would last long and I was overtaking people and still having to worry about fighting for space. The swim in triathlon can be absolutely brutal, I have had people grab my ankle and pull me back before, which is not a nice feeling.
I find myself swimming strong an hard and I forget all about sighting. Not sighting was the best decision I have made as I found myself swimming nearly right down the middle of the lake and I wasn't the only one. When I finally decided to look where I was going I thought I would just take my time and get back with the main pack. I didn't fancy doing the whole swim with out drafting of someone.
I get back with the main pack and it was nicely spread out and I was able to get on to their feet and relax before making my move and finding the next set of fast feet. Half way point and I was loving the swim, I felt so good as everything was going right and I was in a very good rhythm. I was able to keep this up all the way round on the swim and when I got close to the end of the swim I started to kick my legs quite hard and fast to get the blood pumping to try and get me ready for the 112 mile bike.

Swim Time 1:06:32

Transition was straight forward and no real issues apart from for some reason I could not find my socks. decided straight away not to bother and jut whacked my shoes on. when I had my shoes on I had a quick look in my bag and there were my socks.

Onto the bike. This was the discipline that really worried me as I didn't want to go off to fast and end up burning up towards the end and ruining my run. Also I didn't want to go to slow on the bike and end up regretting not pushing it harder on the bike. Weather was perfect on the bike, not a cloud in the sky and the wind was minimal so I decided to crack on and push it a little bit as I knew the wind and rain was on its way but I wanted to get as much of the bike out of the way. Bike was running very smooth and I was so happy with how everything was going. I have a bike mechanic that is the only person that will look after my bike. He lives close by and is very experienced and I wouldn't trust any body else with my bike. So a big thanks to Jack Harmer for keeping my bike in tip top shape.

Knowing the route also helped as no surprises were expected. Food and Hydration was going to plan and I had thought that if I needed to go to the toilet I would just stand up on my bike and go. I tried this and could not even do it. So I sat back down and worked out when the next feed station would be so I could stop and use the facilities. Next stop was Oxton Bank. At the top of the hill I get to the feed station and I was able to get done what was required. The volunteer that looked after my bike had asked me what drink I wanted which was great as it meant it was one less thing to worry about when I got back on to my bike. It didn't take me long to get going again and get back up to speed. I was really enjoying the bike and I was above the pace I was aiming at, so I knew I was on for a good time as long as my legs could handle the run.
I get about 80 miles in on the bike and it starts to rain and the wind has picked up. To be honest I don't mind riding in the rain but today I really wanted the rain to stay away. I had packed the sun screen which was not required. 32 miles to go and it was time to just think about pacing and to keep on eating and drinking to make sure that I was ready for the marathon that was getting ever closer.
Doing the Outlaw half and a bike of the course really helped as I knew what was coming up and it really helped to know where I was going on the course. Getting close to the end of the bike and still feeling good, was quite worried about this as all I had on my mind was my legs cramping up as soon as I get off the bike.

Whilst out on the bike it was great seeing my wife out on the course cheering me on and giving me the much needed support to get me through. Jess had been up from the start and was watching all the way through the swim and then was tracking me online so she could see me on the bike. Just as I was getting back to transition, I see Jess on a junction and all I could do was smile. It was so nice seeing Jess as I finished the bike section. Over the last couple of speed bumps and I was off my bike and it was amazing seeing the crowd that I come out to support us all competing.

Bike handed to the marshal and I was jogging back to the transition tent, just before I get to the tent I see a large group of Sleaford Tri3 Club cheering me on and I couldn't wait to get out on the run and to start to tick off the miles.

Bike time was 6:04:09

On to the run. I was really worried about this as on the half outlaw I pushed too hard on the bike and my legs were cramping up within the first mile of running and I didn't want that to happen again as I don't think my legs would of managed 26.2 miles of running with cramp.
No hanging about in transition and it wasn't long till I was on to the run. first 3 miles in to the run and I realise that I was running too fast and if I was to continue at this speed I would be in too much trouble by mile 10. I slowed my pace down and just enjoyed the run. All the people that had overtaken me on the bike it wasn't long till I was chasing them down on the run and getting passed them. Running has been one of my strongest disciplines in triathlon and one that I am able to push myself at. As I was out on my first big loop of the course it was great seeing some friendly and familiar faces that were marshalling and helping on the feed stations. It gave me something to look forward to as I knew I would get some great and much needed encouragement whilst out on the run. In fact all the marshals and helpers were all fantastic on the whole course, spending the whole day helping and supporting everyone competing and doing so with lots of energy. A massive thanks goes to all the volunteers that made sure the Outlaw event was a success.

Running past the Nottingham forest ground became new territory for me and now I had no idea where I was going and was relying on the person in front of me to show me the way. I had no idea how long the loop was round there so just kept to my pace and ran to the next food station. As the run goes on my legs are getting tired and I then change tactic. To walk through each food station and grab something to eat and drink. This would ensure that I keep fed and watered to make sure that I can get to the end of this race. I have never eaten so many Jaffa cakes in one day.

So I have just completed the first big loop of the course and I am back on the lake and running past the finish line and it was great seeing people finishing and also see the crowd. Hearing friends cheering my name as I ran past was brilliant and made me want to keep pushing on. As I start the second big loop I knew that it was getting difficult but my pace was still good and I had worked out that I would hit the Sub 12 hour target if I could keep this up. On my way back and nearly finishing the second loop I could feel the life drain out of my body. I could feel that my face was losing colour and I was approx. 1 km from the next feed station. I knew I just wanted to get to the feed station to walk and get plenty of food and drink on board. As I get closer a good friend Emma was running towards me and was also competing and was trying to get me to stop but I just knew that if I had stopped I probably wouldn't of been able to get going again. I just wanted to get to the food station and get something to eat an drink. The feed station couldn't come soon enough and I finally got some water and coke and crisps. I had to stop and just keep eating and drinking. This was just what I wanted I felt better again and was back running and was able to continue my race again. I hit the loop round the lake and at that moment I knew I only had two laps of the lake to do. Emma, is someone who I have met since joining the Tri3 club and Emma and her husband Sandy have been great to get advice and support from. With there knowledge and experience from the sport it really helped me with my training and race preparation.

Two laps of the lake to go approx. 10km and I was buzzing. On the first lap I just kept to my pace and I knew that I had less than an hour to go and the end was sight. As I passed the finish line all I could was smile as I knew that would be me very soon that would be running down the red carpet. As soon as I pass the finish line and collect my final wristband there was no stopping me. All the pain, the blisters that I collected on the way, the tired body had all gone. It was like I was a new man. I picked up the pace and got my arms swinging and I was smiling from ear to ear. Nothing was going to stop me now. I even started to catch people up that had over taken me and flying past them. I get to the top end of the lake and I knew that I had no more corners to turn, it was the finally straight. I again found another gear and was picking up speed. As I got closer to the finish line the crowds were getting bigger and the cheers felt louder. As soon as I made the turn on to the red carpet that was it, I knew I had done it. It was time to enjoy it. What was amazing that there was loads of the Tri 3 Triathlon club that I am a member of were there cheering me in to the finish. As I get further down the red carpet I could see the Lincolnshire flag that Jess had made to cheer me on right on the finish line. At that point it got a bit emotional. Jess had been up at the start of the day with me and had supported me all the way through out the day in the good weather and the bad. It was great crossing the finish line and stop. That was it I had completed my first Outlaw triathlon. YOU ARE AN OUTLAW.

End of the race and I didn't feel like eating so got my photo taken with a massive glass of Erdinger and then went to go and find my wife. My legs felt like they had worked hard all day but overall I felt really good. All the training that I have put in has paid off and my body felt fine after a few days

The Outlaw Triathlon is a great event. It is one that I would love to do again in the future but not next year. Next year I have different objectives I want to achieve.

I have already been asked to do the marathon as part of a relay team next year. Which is something that really interests me as the marathon course is very flat and could possibly be a PB target for next year. So watch this space I might be back.

Now that I have completed my first Outlaw Triathlon, I have all the fun and games of decorating the house that I have managed to put off for the last 9 months.









Wednesday 5 August 2015

Tallington Lakes Olympic Triathlon

So races have been coming thick and fast recently, all in preparation for my main event of the year the Outlaw Triathlon. One event I wanted to do was the Tallington lakes triathlon as it was again just down the road for where I live and it was a new event that I wanted to try out.

I was on twitter one evening and I saw a picture of Tallington lakes so I retweeted the picture and like it. Not realising at the time I had just entered a competition for a place at the race. I week had passed and I receive a tweet saying congratulations you have won a place in the Olympic distance race. Was really chuffed with this as I never usually enter competitions on line.

This race was to be used to have a good race but not to break any records as I wanted to stay fresh and fit for the OUtlaw Triathlon. So I was using this race for some conditioning and to make sure that my transitions are quick with minimal disruption.

Arrive nice and early and bike was racked and kit all set up, Swim was a deep water swim and the swim course was straight forward. the horn goes and the race is off. I took it easy at the start as I didn't want to have too many people round me and barging in to me. I soon got up to pace and I soon realised I was quite near the front of the overall pack. From what I could see there was 7 or 8 people in front of me. I thought to myself that I was going too fast and I needed to slow but I thought I would continue at this pace and carry on. On the back straight on the swim I managed to sneak past two people and on the final two turns I could see a small group of swimmers in front of me but I knew I wasn't going to catch them. I managed to finish the swim in 5th position and I knew this would be short lived when I got out on the bike. Swim Time 25:40

T1 went as expected and I was looking forward to the bike course which had a last minute change to the course, but since I didn't know the course I wasn't too bothered about any changes as it was the same for everyone else. The bike course was well marshalled and it was good to see people of there houses on the side of the road cheering us on as we passed. You don't really get many people on the side of the road cheering us on local events so it was nice to see and added to the whole experience.

The bike course good and the roads were in good condition. as usual it wasn't long till the faster bikers were passing me and all the hard work on the swim was going to waste. My bike strength and power is something I need to work on over the colder months. Bike time 1:24:48.

I was in to T2 and just over 30 seconds later I'm out on the run. I have managed to master T2 with speed. the time and effort has paid off in doing brick sessions with transition set up in the garden at home. On to the run and the is very little wind and the course is pancake flat. I knew early on that I would be on for a good 10km time as I took it slightly easier on the bike. The course takes you 2.5km out round one of the lakes and back to a turn point and then repeat. I was really pleased with my time and of 40:20 seconds. Under a year ago this would have been a personal best time for on just a 10km road race. So over the months I have been really please how my running and swimming has improved and my cycling has got stronger but it is still my weakest discipline.

Overall time was 2:32:33
finishing 12th overall and 2nd in my age group. The first time I get a podium for my age group they are not giving out prizes.

Dambuster Olympic Triathlon

Dambuster Triathlon based at Rutland water was one of the races I wanted to as a training session so I know what the course is like in preparation for the Vitruvian triathlon that I have planned for the end of August.

So I drove down the day before to get registered just so I knew how long it would take to get to location on the day and so I could have a quick look at transition and see how it was all set up and to have a look at the swim course so I knew where I would be going.

Day of the event was pretty straight forward. I had my usual breakfast and coffee and I am feeling pretty good in doing my first Olympic distance race. Even though I have done a 70.3 triathlon I was unsure how hard to push myself for an Olympic distance. I have been told to race it like a sprint tri so with that in mind I was going to attack it from the start and see how I hold up.

Bike is racked and everything set up and I'm waiting around to get going. At the race brief everyone just wanted to know what sort of start we would be having. It turned out it was a beach start. I had never started a race from the beach all my races I have been deep water starts, so I was unsure how this would go. I positioned myself quite near the start line and I soon realise that I just about on the front line and before I could do anything the race has started. I hated the start of the race as I have people everywhere around me and I got in to a little panic attack as I was unable to move out of the way from anyone. Approx 500 metres in to the swim I finally find some sort of rhythm and I soon find myself overtaking people and it wasn't long till I was at the front of the pack I was in. I was determined to catch up with the next group of swimmers and with the last 100 metres to go I finally got on to them and was able to draft and relax a little till we got out of the water. Swim done in 24:57

In to T1 and it was straight forward and I was soon on my bike. I decided that this time I would put my bike shoes on first and just in run in them till I get on to the bike. I just didn't want the same problem that I had in my previous race in trying to get my feet in my shoes. Straight away its a slight up hill until we get to the main road and the start of the bike course. started off on the bike at a decent pace and I was pleased of my average speed. and I knew that I would have the ribbles to tackle. The ribbles are a series of small hills that just take all the speed out of the bike and you need to put the work in on the bike to successfully get over them without dropping my average speed. The bike course is quite a fast course with no real major issues.
so in to T2 and it couldn't have gone better in transition. Before I knew it I was out on the run and looking forward to the last 10km. Bike done in 1:18:09

I find my pace quickly and I start overtaking the cyclists that always seem to fly past me on the bike and my body is feeling quick. The run course is a very basic as you run towards the dam, run across the dam get to the church and run back to the finish line. the run course is completely flat and I was hoping to get very close to the 40 minute mark, but I knew I would to pull out something special to achieve that. I always have a plan when I run now, start of steady and increase the pace and then push on hard for the last 1km. I finished the run in 41:39 and I was happy with how I felt. I do wish that I push it harder for longer on the run, but that is something I need to work on. In training I need to start to push harder for longer towards the end of my run and this should give me a stronger finish on race day.

Total time 2:27:46
Pleased with my time for my first Olympic distance tri and I really enjoyed racing at this distance.

Dambuster Triathlon is organised by Pacesetter events and is very well organised and every one who helped organised this event were very helpful and I look forward to take part in this race in the future.

The Dambuster Triathlon

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Woodhall Sprint Triathlon

14th June I took part in a local sprint triathlon at Woodhall Hall Spa. I was really looking forward to this course as I knew the course was flat and fast and I was hoping to get a good result at this race. The morning of the race for once I didn't have to get up too early as to thanks to my swimming going really well I put in a fast swim time which gave me a late start.

After waiting for a while to be aloud in to transition It doesn't take me long to get set up in transition and one thing I have learnt is not to over think it when setting your bike and gear up. Get in set up bike in transition and running kit then walk away and leave it and not worry about it.

My race gets going and I'm straight away on to a friends feet tapping away, second length in I pushed as hard as I could and got by him. He is a quicker swimmer than me when we train together but I felt good and nothing was going to stop me today. A few more lengths in to the 400m swim I start to feel my timing chip working itself loose. I get to the end of the swim in just over 7 mins, not my quickest 400m but I know I pushed it too hard at the start.

In to T1 and in less than a minute I'm already on my bike and got going really well. My plan was to get round the first corner and put my feet in my shoes and crack on with the bike section. For some reason I could not get my feet in my shoes. I started flapping around and losing all the speed I had picked up. Finally I get my feet in my shoes and I quickly get in to a good rhythm. I catch up with the people that over took me whilst whilst I was messing around with my shoes and one of them tells me my race number is about to come, so quickly I tuck it in to my race belt. Approx 1 mile later I can feel my race chip getting loose on my ankle, I reach down and try and reattach the strap. Another mile in timing chip works itself loose and this time as I reach down the strap comes off and I grab it just in time. With out thinking I put the timing chip down my tri suit and try and concentrate back on the task at hand. I get the bike done in 45:32 and I knew I was behind my plan thanks to my feet not working and my timing chip causing me a few issues.

In to T2 and my bike is racked I quickly grab my timing chip and sling it back round my ankle to make sure my time is registered. The run is my favourite discipline, if I was to gain some time back it would be on the run. I soon get in to a strong running pace and straight away I'm feeling happy again. my plan was too push as hard as I can for the last 1km and see what happens. When I picked up the pace in the last Km I feel my timing chip coming loose and not wanting to have to stop and grab the chip, I ease of the pace and  I managed to do the run in 18:54.

I for some reason finished the race feeling a little disappointed with how the race went, but overall I was pleased that I was able to handle the small issues that I had and was still able to enjoy the race. The one thing I took from the race was to put a safety pin on my timing chip to make sure that it is secured so wont have a chance of losing it in the future.

Woodhall Spa Triathlon is a great local race and is a very popular event that is organised by One Step Beyond. It is very well organised and the bike course is clearly marked and well marshalled.