



Wednesday 5 August 2015

Dambuster Olympic Triathlon

Dambuster Triathlon based at Rutland water was one of the races I wanted to as a training session so I know what the course is like in preparation for the Vitruvian triathlon that I have planned for the end of August.

So I drove down the day before to get registered just so I knew how long it would take to get to location on the day and so I could have a quick look at transition and see how it was all set up and to have a look at the swim course so I knew where I would be going.

Day of the event was pretty straight forward. I had my usual breakfast and coffee and I am feeling pretty good in doing my first Olympic distance race. Even though I have done a 70.3 triathlon I was unsure how hard to push myself for an Olympic distance. I have been told to race it like a sprint tri so with that in mind I was going to attack it from the start and see how I hold up.

Bike is racked and everything set up and I'm waiting around to get going. At the race brief everyone just wanted to know what sort of start we would be having. It turned out it was a beach start. I had never started a race from the beach all my races I have been deep water starts, so I was unsure how this would go. I positioned myself quite near the start line and I soon realise that I just about on the front line and before I could do anything the race has started. I hated the start of the race as I have people everywhere around me and I got in to a little panic attack as I was unable to move out of the way from anyone. Approx 500 metres in to the swim I finally find some sort of rhythm and I soon find myself overtaking people and it wasn't long till I was at the front of the pack I was in. I was determined to catch up with the next group of swimmers and with the last 100 metres to go I finally got on to them and was able to draft and relax a little till we got out of the water. Swim done in 24:57

In to T1 and it was straight forward and I was soon on my bike. I decided that this time I would put my bike shoes on first and just in run in them till I get on to the bike. I just didn't want the same problem that I had in my previous race in trying to get my feet in my shoes. Straight away its a slight up hill until we get to the main road and the start of the bike course. started off on the bike at a decent pace and I was pleased of my average speed. and I knew that I would have the ribbles to tackle. The ribbles are a series of small hills that just take all the speed out of the bike and you need to put the work in on the bike to successfully get over them without dropping my average speed. The bike course is quite a fast course with no real major issues.
so in to T2 and it couldn't have gone better in transition. Before I knew it I was out on the run and looking forward to the last 10km. Bike done in 1:18:09

I find my pace quickly and I start overtaking the cyclists that always seem to fly past me on the bike and my body is feeling quick. The run course is a very basic as you run towards the dam, run across the dam get to the church and run back to the finish line. the run course is completely flat and I was hoping to get very close to the 40 minute mark, but I knew I would to pull out something special to achieve that. I always have a plan when I run now, start of steady and increase the pace and then push on hard for the last 1km. I finished the run in 41:39 and I was happy with how I felt. I do wish that I push it harder for longer on the run, but that is something I need to work on. In training I need to start to push harder for longer towards the end of my run and this should give me a stronger finish on race day.

Total time 2:27:46
Pleased with my time for my first Olympic distance tri and I really enjoyed racing at this distance.

Dambuster Triathlon is organised by Pacesetter events and is very well organised and every one who helped organised this event were very helpful and I look forward to take part in this race in the future.

The Dambuster Triathlon

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