



Sunday 6 September 2015

Equinox 24

So its Sunday evening and I find myself thinking what I need ready for my next adventure 'Equinox 24'. This is a 24 hour endurance race at Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire. You run round a 10km loop as many times as you can either in a team or as a soloist. I will be taking this on, on September 19th and 20th

I had started off in a team but as time got nearer to the event I thought that I would hate waiting around for my next time to get up and run. So I decided to go have a crack at this as a solo runner.

NOW the panic sets in. Will I be able to keep going through the night? How will I cope with the blisters? Will my legs hold out? What do I eat? What kit do I need? So many questions and not much time to go before I take on this challenge

First thing first was talking to my very understanding wife and letting her know that I have decided to do Equinox as a solo runner. This didn't go down too well as its only 3 days before we go on our holiday to Lanzarote. I have already taken on one mammoth challenge this which was the Outlaw Triathlon. This took me 11:35hrs to complete and I was very tired after that. The thought of going for another 12 1/2 hours was hard to get my head round especially running.

I have done a 24 hour endurance walk before across the Pennine Way and that nearly killed me. I have never been so tired and this was just walking. So the thought of attempting to run for 24 hours is crazy.

I have been asked "have you ever done an ultra marathon before" My answer was no.
Also been asked "what's the furthest you have run before" My answer 26.2 miles

I have an idea of how many miles I would like to cover but that is between me and my trainers. Not even my wife knows.

So what do I actually need:
Running gear plus spare running gear to change in to, compression socks, compression tights, hat, torch spare batteries, trainers (several pairs in case they get wet), Vaseline for feet to help stop blisters and for other chaffing needs. Socks, socks and more socks. jacket, hiking poles (to help my tired legs at night), sun lotion (probably won't need this now I have mentioned it). Also will require a tent to store everything in.

What to drink is not really a problem, but what to eat? so far I have been thinking about cold pasta dishes for main meals, snickers bars, energy gels and bars, sausage rolls and pork pies, crisps, Jaffa Cakes (I will not be sharing these) and what ever else thrown at me from all the people that I will be with. Hopefully more cake, burgers, bacon rolls. I kind of like this idea of Ultra's as it seems to be a good excuse to just east.

How will I get round the course? I have an Ipod which will be loaded with music and some light hearted podcasts, anything to keep me entertained. My plan is to not stop for a great deal of time. I want to try and keep moving and eat on the go apart from when I have planned meals and coffee breaks.

Next week I will start planning on getting all my kit in one place in the house and make sure that I am ready for this.

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