



Sunday 1 March 2015

April 2014

So at the start of January I started attending Lincoln Park Run, this is a nationwide event that happens every Saturday at 0900hrs. Its a 5km run and is a free event and is ran by volunteers. My first Park run time was 24:14 and my time in April 14 was 21:18. I am really pleased with the way my times are coming down and after each park run I always feel like I'm never going to improve as I feel like I have nothing left in the tank.

So in the month of April I have Lincoln 10km as my event it's one event I want to hit a sub 50 mins time. I have ran this event before but with no proper training and always feel like I'm going to collapse at the end of the event. I was looking forward to this event as my training had been going well over the last few months.

I completed the event under 50 mins official time was 47:12 so I was really happy with my result. however I did not pace myself at all. I started way too fast and at the time I felt really good but got into the 3km mark and I was suffering. I had to slow right down and hope for the best. Next part of my training was to look at my pacing and stick to my plan. Its so easy to get caught up in the event and everyone around you and just go with the crowd.

Four months in to my training and I'm loving running, never thought I would be saying that. I also managed to knock another 2 mins of my 10km time in a training run, this is how I should have ran the Lincoln 10km. 

April Stats 13 hours 124km

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