



Sunday 15 March 2015

Ashmei Ambassador Day

A while ago I had filled in an application form for the Ashmei Ambassador Day at their HQ in Aldbury. I never expected to hear back from them as I didn't think I would be one of the lucky ones to attend. I received an email on the 9th March saying CONGRATULATIONS! A week later I'm in Aldbury and I am excited about meeting the Ashmei team, learning more about the brand and also meeting the other ambassador hopefuls. 

As soon as I arrived I was talking to people about our experiences in sport, future events and learning about what makes them tick. I was really keen talking to a few of the Ultra runners that were there as this is one type of event I would like to try one day.

Performance, Quality & Style are the 3 words that they live by and you could see that in the kit. Ashmei talked to us about the merino wool that they use and how it keeps you warm when it's cold and keeps you cool when you are hot.

We would like you to arrive between 10am and 10:45am. During this time, we will serve coffee and take individual photos, so no need for everyone to arrive at 10am - although there will be lots of like-minded people to chat to. 
10:00    Welcome coffee with Stuart Brooke, ashmei founder, filming & photo shoot; 
10:45    Welcome words, presentation of the Ambassador Programme & 
             Q&A session with Stuart; 
11:30    1 hour run or ride from ashmei HQ on the Ashridge Estate. Please note 
             that this is not a competitive run/ride. We will keep to a conversational pace. 
13:00    Refreshments and goodbyes 

We all received a free pair of socks to try on the run and over the 5 mile run they felt comfortable and had no issues. I was running a half marathon the next day so I knew they would get a proper test then. Every other pair of socks that I have tried have given me blisters. Getting blisters is something that I have had to manage and try and look after my feet as best as I can. 
Well I completed my half marathon and I can honestly say that I ran my second fastest half marathon (this was hilly) and I have no blisters at all. I never once feel my feet over heat and get sweaty. Great pair of socks and will definitely be getting some more.

Whilst out on the run with Ashmei and the other ambassador hopefuls it was another good opportunity to talk to the other runners and talk about training tips and tricks and races that we all have up and coming and what we would like to achieve.

The Ashmei ambassador day was a great experience as I have never done anything like this before and was a great opportunity to meet the Ashmei team and get to know even more about the great brand and to here how it was all developed. It was also great to meet other runners, cyclists and triathletes, to share stories from events from the past, future events and the training that we put our bodies through. I am very grateful for the invitation to the ambassador day.

Thank you Ashmei

Below are a few pics from the day.

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