



Sunday 1 March 2015

Thinking about Triathlons

So May was a very interesting month. since January all I have really done is run. I think this is due to the fact that running burns off the most calories and its the one sport I really wanted to get in to and see how far I can push the boundaries. I now start thinking about triathlons again, I dipped my toe in to the sport back in 2010 where I did my first sprint triathlon in Lincoln. I really enjoyed the event but never really had the opportunity to do any other events as I was out cycling all the time and in May 2013 I cycled 600 miles to Paris and back raising money for Breast Cancer Campaign.

So back to the Month of May. My training has certainly ramped up now, probably due to the nice weather and trying to make the most of the daylight hours. I had started to go out on my bike a lot more and done some running after my bike ride to see how I felt. I have also been swimming a few times and also went to a lake in Lincoln to have a go at my first open water swimming. I wanted to hire a wetsuit from them and they didn't have any left so for my first attempt at swimming in a lake I'm there with my swim shorts and just getting on with it. I had gone down to Lincoln park run that morning and the weather was amazing, it was really warm and hardly any wind with not a cloud in the sky. after park run I headed down the road to the lake and enjoyed my first open water swim.

For some reason I thought I would give kick boxing ago. I thought that this would help more flexibility and my core strength. I signed up for a six week beginners course and really enjoyed it, by the end of the six week I decided that it wasn't going to be. I really enjoyed the training but I had my heart set on getting in to triathlons and decided that my focus was required more in the other 3 disciplines.

I was at by a friend if I would like to have ago at doing the RatRace dirty weekend a 20 mile obstacle race. I had no idea what to expect as I had never done anything like this before. The thought of running 20 miles was more than enough for me let alone throwing in 200 obstacles. Such a great event with such a great atmosphere from all the supporters and all the marshals. I managed to finish this event in 4:02hours.

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