



Sunday 1 March 2015

August Update

It's the 1st August and I'm back doing another event this time I'm in Skipton ready to take on Tough Mudder. this is obstacle course which is very popular. at any opportunity they dunk you in mud and then make you run around until you get dry and then dunk you again muddy water. 

Took part in my first Aquathon this month and really enjoyed it. The event was ran by Sleaford Tri club and loved it. I'm hoping that I'm able to do it again in 2015. Managed to finish the course in 30 mins and for the life of me I can not remember the distance of the swim but the run was 5km. Swim was probably 400m

So now we get to my main event of the year, Sleaford 10km. This was the event that I said I would beat one of my friends who called me fat back in January. So the night before the event I work out what time I would like to get and set my pacing up to hit that time. We ran the race and I was very happy to get a PB on my time 10km time. I also did beat my friend but to be honest I was more happy than getting my PB. I managed to run it in 41:47. I had my watch set up to run 4:18mins per km , but I managed to run an average of 4:11 per km. I managed not to get carried away and go too fast. I kept with a good steady pace and when I got to the 5km mark I gauged how I was doing and was able to push on at the same pace.

Last event of the month was the sprint triathlon relay national championships. For me this was a big step as it was a big triathlon and was at Holmepierre Point lake in Nottingham. This event consisted of 4 people in your team, each member had to swim 750m bike 14km and run 5km. I have no idea how we got on really. I know I swam well and biked ok and I felt good on the run. I remember the run to be easy on the outward leg but on the way back in, it was head wind all the way. I still managed to run a 21:18 5km. so not all bad.

This would prove to be a good time to check out holmepierre point as I was thinking about signing up for the Outlaw Half Triathlon. 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. More about that later.

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