



Sunday 1 March 2015

September update

So proud of my wife you managed to climb mount Snowdon with me on the 1st September. Very good climb but difficult. The year before we climbed Scarfell, so who knows in 2015 we may even climb Ben Nevis. I even found a lake where I go go for a quick swim, water was a little cloudy but not cold at all.


So this is my last triathlon of the year, I had signed up for the last minute triathlon in Southwell. Another sprint distance tri. I was really looking forward to this as I could go out and see how far I have come since January. The only problem was I had a wedding the night before and I would have to be up early to drive an hour to the event. So I had a late night with no booze. The event was also nicely represented with other members of the the sleaford Tri Club, so great atmosphere.
Swim 400m: 8:00
Bike: 17km: 35:00
Run 5km: 20:39

So this year so far has been me seeing events and signing up for them as and when I can, no real planning has gone in to it. So I decided that I really enjoy triathlons and the club that I am apart of has really help with that, making training enjoyable and it's also nice seeing friendly faces at events. so for 2015 I have decided that I wanted to step it up to the next level so I have signed up for the the Outlaw Half Triathlon and also the Full Outlaw Triathlon. Doing the full Outlaw is something that I have always wanted to do and I never thought for one minute that I could do it. I am one who likes a challenge and when I have a challenge I am focused and want to do well. So my main goal for 2015 is to complete a Ultra Triathlon.

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