



Sunday 1 March 2015

July 2014

This month was just a good training month. no events planned and was just time for me to get my head down and train hard. I have managed to start a spinning class on a Thursday evening with Sleaford Tri Club, then after spinning there is also a run session. Really good brick session and one of the sessions I really enjoy going to. I'm starting to get some proper structure in my training now, thanks to the tri club. After talking to some of the members they have been sharing with me there training plans and it has been quite the eye opener. So I decided to get some sort of structure to my training. When training for three different sports you have to manage your time very wisely or you can end up over training in one sport and not enough in another. Monday and Wednesday has become a swim session (Wednesday being in a lake) Thursday is spinning and running, then the rest of the time is to get a decent run and a good bike ride in.

This was after a half marathon training run, it was so hot that day.

End of the month I went camping with my wife and one evening I decided to go for an hour run and have a go at fell running, we were camping just outside of Grassington and the campsite was near a nice hill. Loved the hill climb got a little bit lost but wasn't too bad.

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