



Sunday 1 March 2015


January started off really well, by the 3rd Jan I had already completed my first half marathon of the year. I have been stuck training on my turbo trainer due to the weather not being good. It's either been too cold or too wet or both. So plan was to slog it out on a turbo trainer and go for a quick run afterwards.

I hadn't done Lincoln Park Run since August where I was close to getting a sub 20 minutes time. I really wanted to give it a go but since august weekends had been so busy. I had finally an opening to get to Lincoln and try and get a sub 20mins at Park run. Well I managed and was over the moon with the result. I managed to run 19:19. Didn't think I would be that much below 20 mins. who knows maybe one day I could get a sub 19 minutes. Not even going to think about that for a while.

Last day in Jan went for an early morning swim for an hour and then wanted to go for a long bike ride. This was the plan with a friend the day before. We had a plan, we went swimming and then we headed out on the bikes. The ride out was great we were hitting a good speed, traffic was minimal and it was looking good. Until we go approx 20 miles out then he were hit with snow and we had turned a corner and had to contend with head wind as well. Great both of us getting really cold. The snow had stopped and it was the wind that was the problem head wind with wet clothing on. Well we didn't get to 60 miles like planned, instead we turned off early and headed back home. We managed 45 miles in the end I have never been that cold before.

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