



Sunday 1 March 2015

I have Joined a Triathlon Club

So this year I said to myself that I would sign up to quite a few events to help me with getting fit and healthy. I need to have a goal and to keep me focussed on my training. So this month became a month full off events. It first kicked off on the 1st with the Woodhall Spa 10k run. A flat and fast course and if you were to get a PB then this would be the chance to get this. I knew exactly what pace I wanted to run at and I stuck to my plan. it paid off and I got my PB with a time of 44:30. I really enjoyed this run and it might be one I do in 2015 to go for another PB attempt.

Yes, that's me on my knees. Had a sprint finish with some random
This was the event I wanted to try and keep up with a friend but he was too quick for me, however he never got out of my site. This is the friend who I said I would beat in race at the start of the year.

I started my first swim session with Sleaford Triathlon Club and loved it, really great coaches and the other members were very friendly and helped me through the session. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better and to hopefully improve my swimming.

This is one crazy month. I have my first sprint triathlon in Spalding at the weekend and on the Friday before I decided to go for a 100 mile bike ride. Not sure why. I had a day off work and the weather was perfect.

Spalding Triathlon
Great event not too big and very well organised.
Swim 400m : 7:57
Bike 19.5km; 38:06
Run 5km: 19:18. I think the run was actually 4.5km though.

Really pleased with times and felt really good afterwards. I felt that good that the next day I went for a 48km bike ride.

Next up I took on the wolfrun. This is a 10km obstacle course. I ran this on my own but it would have been alot more fun running with other people as it was funny being stuck in waist deep mud and wondering how you were going to get out.


Training is going really well and the hours and distance is certainly increasing nicely.

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